Friday, August 31, 2012

Batman Level Creator

My level:

How would you describe the challenges and actions that make up the game level? 

The challenge of this game involves completing the level's objective(s) while staying alive. Staying alive is made difficult by the game's lethal obstacles and enemies, as well as the possibility of falling into a pit. Obstacles/enemies include laser-firing robots/gorillas, spiked platforms, and heat-seeking missiles.

What is the camera mode?
The camera mode is side-view/side-scrolling, as well as static.

What is the nature of the user interface (how does the player use the controls to play the game)?

The controls are very simplistic; there are action buttons for movement, jumping, and attacking. There is another button for switching characters as well (X) - this function is conveniently displayed at the top of the screen. This control setup and uncluttered HUD allows the player to immediately jump into the game and complete the objective without having to go through a tutorial.

What is the goal of the game? 

The goal of the game can be selected by the player:

1) Get to the portal
2) Get to the portal after collecting all the level's orbs
3) Get to the portal after defeating all the level's enemies
4) Get to the portal after collecting all the level's orbs and defeating all of its enemies

I chose goal #2.

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